I met some of the children who come to the Somers Clinical Research Facility (CRF) at GOSH. William and Sam (both age 7) come to the facility regularly and get on very well.
I spent the day with Sam and William. The duo entertained me with their ideas and creative contributions to the Hands On project.
Sam and William initiated a little competition. Head to head colouring! Who would be the first to colour in their giant microorganism posters?
Although sometimes Sam helped William and sometimes William helped Sam. Helping hands..........
I interviewed the boys and found out what hand washing meant to them. William was described the bug that was living in his throat. He knew how it had got there and knew described how it was crawling around in his throat and couldn't get out, so he tried to cough to let it out. It did come out during the day, and landed on one of Williams drawings.
We had a go at making some stop-frame animations. We thought about the different shapes we make with our hands.
We slowed down the actions and signals that we make with our hands into sequences of much smaller movements. Each time one of the boys moved their hands I took a photograph.
When we played back the photographs in sequence the movements looked very interesting. It helped us to think about how important our hands are in communicating with one another.

I spent the day with Sam and William. The duo entertained me with their ideas and creative contributions to the Hands On project.
Sam and William initiated a little competition. Head to head colouring! Who would be the first to colour in their giant microorganism posters?
Although sometimes Sam helped William and sometimes William helped Sam. Helping hands..........
I interviewed the boys and found out what hand washing meant to them. William was described the bug that was living in his throat. He knew how it had got there and knew described how it was crawling around in his throat and couldn't get out, so he tried to cough to let it out. It did come out during the day, and landed on one of Williams drawings.
We had a go at making some stop-frame animations. We thought about the different shapes we make with our hands.
We slowed down the actions and signals that we make with our hands into sequences of much smaller movements. Each time one of the boys moved their hands I took a photograph.
When we played back the photographs in sequence the movements looked very interesting. It helped us to think about how important our hands are in communicating with one another.

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